主向位科技股份有限公司 信息

服務時間週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30


主向位科技成立於1993年,秉持以滿足客戶需求為核心,符合市場趨勢為導向的經營理念以通訊測試器及介面轉換器進入專業數據電信領域。因應全球電信蓬勃發展,數據通訊技術迅速提升,原有的網路已被升級為寬頻網路。主向位科技提供一系列PDH,SDH,DSL,Optical Transmission和乙太網路設備接入基礎設施,以滿足各國電信便利有效的多重數據服務和最後一哩(Last mile)產品的眾多方案。


隨著寬頻的普及與傳輸速率的提升,以IP傳輸為主軸的新世代網路服務架構(Next Generation Network;NGN)及多重服務的整合型網路設備,儼然成為市場主流。於2009年主向位科技加入MEF組織,提供符合MEF、ITU- T、IEEE及IETF…等標準之電信運營商級乙太網路服務方案,為將來的寬頻服務提供可靠及長期應用的架構。生產符合RoHS及WEEE的高環保標準產品,推行綠色環保及節能減碳是主向位科技對環境生態保護的社會責任與承諾。


CTC Union Technologies, founded in 1993, proactively designs and manufactures telecommunications, data communications, networking, and IP surveillance products for a global market. With technologies based on PDH, SDH, DSL, Ethernet and Optical transmission, CTC Union can effectively meet the requirements of voice and data carriers in deploying last mile applications.

With the increasing demands for security products world wide, CTC Union invested RD resources to setup a new development group specifically for network based digital surveillance products, starting in 2005. By leveraging their existing core technologies and network management expertise, CTC Union has developed a complete IP surveillance monitoring solution with product lines of H.264 network cameras and digital video servers, megapixel cameras and network video servers.

As services such as voice and multimedia are moving to IP based technologies, carriers have found that their core networks can be operated more effectively and economically if the public switching networks are migrated to a next generation IP based networks. Fully in line with this world wide trends, CTC Union in 2009, became a member of the MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum) whose main goal is to provide interoperability standards for carriers and manufacturers to smoothly deploy Ethernet solutions from core networks to Last-Mile. This proactive thinking will allow CTC Union to continue developing solutions for today and tomorrow’s markets.

As a socially responsible manufacturer, CTC Union is concerned with the environment and has taken active measures to reduce carbon emissions and eliminate hazardous materials in their products. None of CTC Union products use chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) in their production process and since 2007 all electronics use non-lead soldering according to RoHS and WEEE directives.

CTC Unions continuing mission is to provide their customers with ”on time” solutions, quick and effective customer support, and valuable products with extended service life.

