怡生國際股份有限公司 信息

服務時間週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30


Billiards is no longer a means of communication between the few. the unique charm of billiards has made the lives of many people more fulfilling and has also added more happiness and excitement to their lives. Doctor Cheng International Inc. has specially selected exquisite, world renown, brand name billiard products and invested time and effort in planning - from design, development, to production - to bring you a series of related everyday goods. This is so that the billiards lover in you can express caring and thoughtfulness through billiards. Let Dr. Cheng International Inc. help you send out your warm, caring thoughts and feelings. We sincerely hope to be of service to you.

Due to your active participation, billiards will be represented in the 1998 Asian Olympics. Let Dr. Cheng International Inc. grow with you so that together, we may usher in the new era in billiards.

Our growth can only happen with your support.


