
  • MIH, Hong Kong

    Hotel Management Company, base at Hong Kong
    地址:台北市松山區復興北路 電話:09-58645678

  • Hong Kong KML Technology Limited Taiwan

    營利事業統一編號 27257783 負責人姓名 李文輝 營利事業名稱 香港商高萌科技有限公司台灣分公司 營利事業所在地 臺北市 松山區 敦化里 敦化南路1段25號4樓 資本額(千元) 500 組織種類 外國公司在台之分公司( 7 ) 設立日期 94/06/22 營業項目 其他辦公用機械器具批發( 464499 )Hong Kong KML Technology Lim
    地址:台北市松山區Tun Hua South Road section 1 n0.25 4/F 電話:02-25774352

  • 英商比威工程公司

    Brecknell Willis is a world leader in electrified rail transport and has been involved with electrification systems for over 100 years. The company has grown with the expansion of electrified transpor
    地址:台北市中山區長安東路一段23號10F-5 電話:02-25625587

  • 運祥國際有限公司

    This Company Founded in 1986, Specialized At Manufacturing And Exporting: 1. HAIR ORNAMENT 2. FASHION JEWELRY 3. ACCESSORIES With All Factories Located In China, Taiwan, Hong Kong And Philippin
    地址:台北市萬華區中華路1段178號4樓 電話:02-23613161

  • 福鹿內衣企業有限公司

    福鹿內衣自西元1970年創業以來,即秉持著『勤儉立業』的創業精神,三十多年來穩定成長,由內衣、內褲等衣著類的製造販賣、之後又跨足孕婦裝及童裝等區塊,創業之初以外銷中東、香港等地區市場主要發展區域,近年逐漸轉型內著類的OEM專業廠。 邁進21世紀之際,福鹿公司將持續精進,秉持永續經營的理念,在誠信務實的基石上我們更以專業、服務、創新的理念軌道及節能環保產業的領域,為顧客提供專業的優質服務,
    地址:台南市北區開元路148巷60號 電話:06-2383318

  • 敦頂實業股份有限公司

    本公司為台灣少有的傳統工業製造商,營運33年,客戶遍及海內外,主要經營項目為高級特殊建築五金建材,各種鎖類設計及製造,高級特殊把手設計,及相關室內建築五金配件研發製造。公司產品主要針對大型工程、品牌進口商,如飯店,高級辦公大樓,豪宅,機場,學校,醫院等公共建築物裝修。更與全球最大德國設計五金公司約定合作關係。誠信經營,在業界為之翹楚。以下概略列出公司產品所承辦的工程。 台灣︰ EVE
    地址:新北市新店區民權路42巷59弄2號1樓 電話:02-29120658

  • 新加坡艾得克股份有限公司

    The HRnetGroup has been a leader in the HR consulting industry. Today, our operations span 8 offices in Asia Pacific (Singapore - HQ, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Japan and Thailand
    地址:台北市信義區信義路五段7號24樓F室 電話:02-81015118

  • 豐彰國際股份有限公司

    N BRIEF HORNSONIC has launched the professional OEM / ODM of loudspeakers(driver units) range for Hi-Fi , PA , Car , multimedia , etc. onto market since 1985. Today we comprise three plants which are
    地址:高雄市鼓山區文信路333/335號12樓 電話:07-5531626

  • 亞太國際電子器材股份有限公司

    We are a small but fast growing technical Sales and Service organisation serving the Semiconductor, Photronics and Optoelectronics Industry in the Pacific region. It was founded in 1985 in Hong Kong.
    地址:新竹縣竹北市台元科技園區台元街28號6F-6 電話:03-5525333

  • 優博管理顧問股份有限公司

    以經營績效為目標,於客戶駐地現場輔導. As a team of business consultants, we help organisations navigate the process of change needed to identify and convert opportunities within their operations to actual business fi
    地址:台北市士林區至善路二段256巷11號 電話:02-28412282


  • Airport Express Tourist Octopus "3-Day Hong Kong Transport P

    [香港]i am interested with this Airport Express Tourist Octopus "3-Day Hong Kong Transport Pass" . However, this card can be used f... ... i am interested with this Airport Express Tourist Oct

  • Mother Garden at Smile Garden (Hong Kong) - San Po Kong, Hong Kong - 禮品店、玩具店 | Facebook

    Mother Garden at Smile Garden (Hong Kong),San Po Kong, Hong Kong. 6,410 個讚 · 356 人正在談論這個 · 180 人在此打卡. ... Happy Mother's Day! 祝 願天下母親,健康快樂(*^_^*)

  • Hong Kong Academy of Flower Arrangement (hkafa) 香港插花藝術學院 - Wan Chai, Hong Kong - Education | Faceboo

    Hong Kong Academy of Flower Arrangement (hkafa) 香港插花藝術學院, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. 1,370 likes · 65 talking about this · 36 were here. ... Mother’s Day Charity Event : ... @ Harbour City & The H.K. Ac

  • AINHOA - Hong Kong | Facebook

    AINHOA - Hong Kong. 326 likes · 2 talking about this. ... Happy Mother's Day! The Indulgence Starts Here... HK$800 (original $1460) LUXE Caviar Facial (60mins) & Japanese Style Manicure HK$850

  • Nutcase Hong Kong | Facebook

    Nutcase Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 1,563 likes · 9 talking about this. ... 22/5 用 HK$680 於 Logon 買了個 Union Jack (L-XL), 未有試過回家及後發覺不太識合。 ... Happy Mother's Day

  • SWAT:Aftermath [HONG KONG] | Facebook

    SWAT:Aftermath [HONG KONG]. 102 likes · 0 talking about this. ... 活躍於KYO2的香港玩家群.亦會在GGC與國內外的玩家進行遊戲.歡迎任何人仕參與. ... Happy Mother's Day!

  • Clarisonic - Hong Kong | Facebook

    Clarisonic - Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 3,926 likes · 89 talking about this. ... 來臨,您會選擇Clarisonic為親愛的媽媽獻上驚喜嗎? Every mom deserves beautiful and young skin like yours! Clarisonic is the perfect gift for Mot

  • TAKU - Central District, Hong Kong - Japanese Restaurant | Facebook

    Treat you mum this Mother's Day, each of Eclipse Hong Kong and Macau restaurant or bar has something exclusive to offer. Cafe Siam LKF and Grand Central Bar & Grill will reward your mum with a

  • Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui - Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong - Hotel | Facebook

    Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. 2,478 likes · 234 talking about this · 30,635 were here. Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui ... To celebrate Mother’s Day, Cafe ha


    HONG KONG EVOLUTION CLUB 。 2,714 個讚 · 541 人正在談論這個。 ... 想當年的 JUN HYPER LEMON EVO V 參加世界超級跑車賽時, 有位法拉利廠隊的技師不知 ... Happy Mother's Day