
  • 澎湖蘆薈廣祥商行

    Aloe 源自於阿拉伯「alloch」一意為『一種閃亮的苦味物質』。蘆薈葉內含有透明的黏液膠質,而這種膠質本身含有75種元素.與人體細胞幾乎完全吻合的所需物質,敷在皮膚上有舒緩、保濕的效果。1996年聯合國糧農組織(F.A.O)比較全球植物和水果所含的營養價值,蘆薈名列第一,被譽為21世紀最佳保健產品。 Penghu 澎湖-純淨國度 位處熱帶至亞熱帶的澎湖島嶼,氣候特徵為高溫、少雨、多風;沙質
    地址:高雄市大寮區大寮鄉大高雄民族路339號 電話:06-9262767

  • 澎湖采風渡假別墅

    地址:澎湖縣馬公市西衛里232-22號 電話:06-9269603

  • 澎湖北吉光背包客民宿

    地址:澎湖縣馬公市山水里17-26號 電話:06-9953005


  • Penghu

    The Pescadores ("Fishermen's Islands" in Portuguese), known in Taiwan as Penghu (澎湖群島), consist of 64 to over 100 small islands (depending on tide level) covering an area of 141 square k

  • Penghu Islands - Impression

    Jishanyu (Husi) Jibei Shawei (Baisha - Island) It is the biggest island of North sea, Penghu. Shawei bay is famous for a golden sand beach extending several kilometers. The blue sky and the golden bea

  • 縣府無線上網服務位置〈Penghu County Government Free Wi-Fi Service Locations〉

    縣府無線上網服務位置〈Penghu County Government Free Wi-Fi Service Locations〉 縣府為縮短數位落差,提供民眾洽公時便利的無線上網環境,讓民眾於洽公時可以隨時上網,收發電子郵件、即時處理生活大小事,特規劃建置縣府民眾較常洽公之辦公處所15處及所屬8處 ...

  • Penghu Natoinal Scenic Area - Travel Services

    ADR:No.100, Tonghan Rd., Magong City, Penghu County 880, Taiwan (R.O.C.) > Wangan Hotel 【wangan Township 】 TEL:886-6-9991200,0975-060629,Fax:9991357 ADR:No.73-9, Dong-an Village, Wang-an Township,

  • PENGHU NATIONAL SCENIC AREA::Transportation-Flight Information

    Penghu Islands, situated in the Taiwan Strait, rely solely on sea and air transportation for outside access, with air transport being the most important mode of transportation. Over 30 regular flight

  • PENGHU NATIONAL SCENIC AREA::Travel Service-Visitor Center

    Penghu Visitor Center Offer introductions of Penghu’s tourism resources, journey consultation, multi media playing, wash up, wireless network. Service Phone: 886-6-9216445,9216521-250or251 Open hours:

  • PENGHU NATIONAL SCENIC AREA::Thematic Tours-Landscapes Tour

    Penghu Islands is composed by almost a hundred of large and small islands and islets, apart from Huayu, they are all composed of several layers of basalt coulee and partly sedimentary rock mezzanine;

  • The Landmark of Penghu

    Long-finned grouper Groupers are the most common fish in this county along the coast and with great production. The most common way to fish them is by hand, or to catch by lighting up the ocean. It is

  • Penghu History - Impression

    Penghu was developed quite early. According to historic records, people have inhabited here during the Shui and Tang dynasties. In the 6th year of Shuiyang of the Shui dynasty, Emperor Shuiyang used t

  • 澎湖郭家牡蠣 - Penghu, Taiwan - Food/Beverages | Facebook

    澎湖郭家牡蠣, Penghu, Taiwan. 3,937 likes · 5,243 talking about this · 23 were here. ... 郭家賜福 價值 乾淨˙肥美˙鮮甜 信念 用心˙堅持˙淨海... 此刻 讓一切的努力都變得值得澎湖郭家賜福


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