
General 更新 2024年06月07日



  1*** Those who used to say never separated, have scattered in the horizon

  2*** 那些以前說著永不別離的人,早曾經散落在天涯了。

  3*** I\'m working toward the slice of the unknown future step away, never stop

  4*** 我正在努力的朝著那片未知的將來舉步而去、從未停下

  5*** I didn\'t cry because it is over, but suddenly learned to miss it.

  6*** 我沒有哭泣啊,只是忽然學會了懷念而已。

  7*** When it has is lost, brave to give up.

  8*** 當具有曾經是失去,就英勇的放棄。

  9*** Sends the violet recollection to receive is actually the years old satire.

  10*** 寄走堇色回想收到的卻是歲月衰老的挖苦


  1*** Fondly remembers is in the life the most helpless matter, and is base and low.

  2*** 思念是生命中最無能為力的事情,並且低微

  3*** The silence is the growth symbol, but does the mature symbol, how is silence.

  4*** 緘默是生長的標誌,而成熟的標誌,就是如何去緘默。

  5*** The sorrow, the life, these phrases too greatly are too really heavy, my disqualification moves.

  6*** 悲苦,人生,這些個字眼真實太大太重,我無資歷觸碰。

  7*** Recalls, has the flash is the ache, but, despairs.

  8*** 回想的時分,有一霎時是疼痛的,無法的,失望的

  9*** Young time we have not expected, in a hurry a wrong body, on error this life.

  10*** 年少時的我們不曾料到,匆匆一個錯身,就錯失了今生

  11*** How much growth is needed to cover the sadness out of a mirage.

  12*** 生長是需求幾悲傷來掩蓋出來的空中樓閣。

  13*** I believed. In this world has happiness, just like I believed that in this world has love.

  14*** 我置信。這個世界上有幸福,正如我置信這個世界上有愛情

  15*** Out of the ordinary you are lucky, why becomes by oneself and others is the same

  16*** 與眾不同的你是僥倖的,何必讓本人變得與他人一樣

  17*** Love is only a person\'s matter, knows without being told.

  18*** 愛情只是一個人的事情,冷暖自知

  19*** Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.

  20*** 無論過去發作過什麼,你要置信,最好的尚未到來。


  1*** Stop competing with others. Start competing with yourself.

  2*** 不要老拿本人跟他人比,要比就跟本人比

  3*** I just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken.

  4*** 我希望有一個人會懂我,即便我什麼都沒說。

  5*** On earth there is nothing great but man; in the man there is nothing great but mind.

  6*** 地球上獨一巨大的是人,人身上獨一巨大的是心靈

  7*** My tongue will tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart concealing it will break.

  8*** 我不把心裡的憤恨說出來,會意碎的

  9*** If one day of us not in together, must look like in is together same.

  10*** 假設有一天我們不在一同了,也要像在一同一樣

  11*** People can\'t do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it.

  12*** 當人們做不到一些事情的時分,他們就會對你說你也同樣不能

  13*** Love, is short. But forgets, then long

  14*** 愛,那麼短。而遺忘,那麼長

  15*** I can do am not many, but you need time, I always.

  16*** 我能做的不多,但你需要的時候,我總是在的。

  17*** Anything could not have passed, I do not believe happiness, I believe you.

  18*** 沒有什麼過不去,我不相信幸福,我相信你。

  19*** No matter how long. I love you are still so.

  20*** 不管多久。我愛你都依舊如此。

