
General 更新 2024年06月01日




  第一節 ***共5小題, 每小題1.5分, 滿分7.5分***


  1. How much did the man pay for the cap?

  A. Ten dollars. B. Forty dollars. C Fifty dollars

  2. Where is the man going to plant the tree?

  A. By the front door. B. At the back of the garage.C. At the other end of the garden.

  3. What did the man mean?

  A. He quite agreed with the woman. B. He enjoyed the lecture the whole time.

  C. The lecture was more than one hour long.

  4. What does the man really want to do?

  A. To read the advertisement. B. To meet the manager. C. To take the job.

  5. What's the time how?

  A. 8:30. B. 8:00. C. 9:00.

  第二節***共15小題, 每小題1.5分, 滿分22.5分***


  聽第6段材料, 回答第6至7題。

  6. Why does the man make his phone call?

  A. To buy a table. B. To reserve a table. C. To sell a table.

  7. At what time does Mr Miller want to go?

  A. At7:00. B. At 8:00. C. At9:00.

  聽第7段材料, 回答第8至9題。

  8. Where is Mr Brown?

  A. He is in the Sales Department. B. He is having a meeting. C. He is busy.

  9. What is Mr Peterson's telephone number?

  A.1300-621 — 7865. B. 1300-612-7685. C. 1360-620-7568.

  聽第8段材料, 回答第10至12題。

  10. How long has Art been retired?

  A. About twelve years. B. About five years. C. About eight years.

  11. What did Art do?

  A. He was a businessman; he ran a bicycle business. B He was a golfer. C. He was a painter.

  12. What does Art like doing most now?

  A. Play golf. B. Paint pictures. C. Make glass.

  聽第9段材料, 回答第13至16題

  13. Where does the man want to go?

  A. Tokyo Subway Station. B. Tokyo Art Museum. C. Tokyo Tower.

  14. How much is the train fare?

  A. 130 yen. B. 140 yen. C. 150 yen

  15. Where should the man get on the train?

  A. Platform number 3. B. Platform number 4. C. Platform number 5.

  16. How often does the train come?

  A. About every five minutes.

  B. About every six minutes.

  C. About every seven minutes.

  聽第10段材料, 回答第17至20題。

  17. What is the name of the course?

  A. Intercultural Commerce. B. Interaction in Communication. C. Intercultural Communication.

  18. What time does the class meet?

  A. 3:05 pm to 4:15 pm. B. 3:15 pm to 4:50 pm. C. 3:50 pm to 4:50 pm.

  19. On average, how often will the class meet in the research lab during the last part of the course?

  A. Once a month. B. Twice a month. C. Three times a month.

  20. Which item was NOT mentioned as part of determining a student's final grade in the class?

  A. Participation. B. A research project. C. Presence of the class.

  第二部分:英語知識運用***共兩節, 滿分45分***


  1.-Sorry I didn’t break the plate______.

  -It’s OK. Don’t worry about it.

  A. on purpose B. no longer C. at present D. as usual

  2._________ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants ***變體*** of genes in human bodies.

  A. Being exposed B. Having exposed C. Exposed D. After being exposed

  3.---Why weren’t you at the meeting?

  ---I ______ for a long-distance call from my father in Australia.

  A. waited B. was waiting C. had waited D. have been waiting

  4.—— Hi, Tracy, you look tired.

  —— I'm tired. I ________ in the living room all day.

  A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have painted

  5.In 1942, Columbus and his crew arrived ________ was so-called the New World by the westerners.

  A. what B. in which C. where D. in what

  6.Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests ________________ before.

  A. as large twice as B. twice as large as

  C. twice larger as D. as large as twice

  7.The principle that all teachers, regardless of subject, should basic standards of competence in maths and English is already accepted by GCSE requirements.

  A. attain B. adore C. adopt D. assess

  8. ____, the driver looked at the vast desert without knowing if he could get across safely.

  A. Tired and sad B. Tired and sadly C.Tiredly and sad D.Tiredly and sadly

  9.Little _____ that the guards were watching him closely, so he was caught red handed.

  A. the thief realized B. the thief didn’t realize

  C. didn’t the thief realize D. did the thief realize

  10.— Anything wrong, officer?

  — This is a 50-kilometer zone, but you _______ at 30 k/ph.

  A. were driving B. are driving C. had driven D. have been driving

  11.---I did really well in the examination, Li Ke.

  ---I did ______. I got full mark.

  A. no less B. not less C. not worse D. no worse

  12.Generally speaking, prices of daily goods ______ through the Internet are lower than store prices.

  A.to buy B.are bought C.buying D.bought

  13.He admitted ___away the purse____to him.

  A.to have taken: not belonged B.taking; not belonged

  C.taking; not belonging D.to have taken: not belonging

  14. you turn off all the lights when you leave the classroom.

  A.Making sure B.To make sure C.Being sure D.Make sure

  15.--- Are you still thinking about yesterday's game?

  --- Oh, that's ________ .

  A. what makes me feel excited B. whatever I feel excited about

  C. how I feel about it D. when I feel excited

  第二節 完形填空***共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分***


  The young woman entered the pool where an injured dolphin ***海豚*** was swimming. Despite her fear, she felt strong wearing her new leg.

  In her second grade, Maja 36 her cousin, Jasmina. After Jasmina’s death, Maja swore she would honor the little girl by 37 with a dolphin, an animal that both girls 38. “Jasmina never got the chance to do it,” says Maja, now 32, “so I 39 that someday I’d do it for her.”

  In high school, Maja was 40 about sports. She even planned to become an athlete. 41, in 1993, during the civil war in her home country, a bomb 42 her left leg.

  After two years’ 43 in the U.S., Maja received her first artificial ***人造的*** leg, but 44 it didn’t fit well, walking for Maja was very painful. 45, she managed to graduate from a local high school. Then after receiving a 46 from Saint Francis University, she got a job at an insurance firm and 47 started her own company.

  To relax, Maja 48 often watch the dolphins play at an aquarium ***水族館*** near her home. A young dolphin, Winter, who had lost its tail, caught her 49. One day, Maja happened to see trainers 50 Winter with a high-tech tail. When they were done, Winter swam freely in the water. Maja was51. She managed to find the inventors of Winter’s tail. Within ten days, she had a new leg which freed her of the 52 that had troubled her for almost 16 years.

  Now Maja was ready to keep her 53. She went to the aquarium, lowered herself into the pool and held out a hand to Winter, who approached 54, then swam away. After a few minutes, the dolphin let Maja 55 its back. Finally, the two began to swim around the pool together.

  36. A. visited B. lost C. left D. rescued

  37. A. living B. talking C. surfing D. swimming

  38. A. adopted B. adored C. purchased D. possessed

  39. A. decided B. pretended C.agreed D. preferred

  40. A. enthusiastic B. positive C. curious D. particular

  41. A. Surprisingly B. Undoubtedly C. Unfortunately D. Strangely

  42. A. took over B. took away C. cut out D. cut down

  43. A. operation B. study C. experiment D. treatment

  44. A. because B. until C. if D. although

  45. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. Besides

  46. A. degree B.scholarship C. notice D. prize

  47. A. actually B. gradually C. naturally D. eventually

  48. A. should B. might C. would D. could

  49. A. leg B. eye C. hand D. nose

  50. A. guiding B. decorating C. fitting D. marking

  51. A. puzzled B. inspired C. amused D. shocked

  52. A. sadness B. worry C. fear D. pain

  53. A. promise B. appointment C. habit D. record

  54. A. angrily B. blindly C. cautiously D. gratefully

  55. A. cover B. strike C. wipe D. touch


  閱讀下列短文,從短文後各題所給的四個選項***A、B、C和D***中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項, 並在答題卡該項塗黑。


  .Sarah and Mariam looked at the glass fragments on the floor in panic ***恐慌***. They could not believe what had just happened.

  Mariam was Sarah’s best friend. They had spent the entire day drawing and painting. Sarah’s mother had gone to the market to buy some goodies and the two friends were alone at home. Sarah decided to show her friend a very expensive vase that her father had gifted her mother on their wedding anniversary ***結婚紀念日***. She took her friend to the drawing room and carefully removed the vase. She knew it was not allowed by her mother but she wanted to show off a bit.

  Mariam looked at the vase with wonder. When she was giving back the vase to Sarah, a disaster happened. The vase slipped between their fingers and fell on the floor with a crash.

  “Oh no!” cried Sarah in panic. “What shall I do now? Mother will be so angry.” Mariam felt equally guilty ***有罪的***. “I know! Let us sweep up the pieces and hide them. Mother will not know that I have broken it.”

  “But she will ask when she sees it missing. What will we say then?” Mariam asked. “I think the best thing would be to own up ***承擔責任***.”

  Sarah took a deep breath. “You are right.”

  When Sarah’s mother came back, Sarah and Mariam poured out their tale. At first, her mother looked angry. Then she saw how unhappy and guilty they both looked. She hugged them both tightly. “I am so glad you were brave enough to own up, Sarah. I am very upset about the vase but I am happy you are both such truthful girls.”

  “It was Mariam’s idea that we should own up, Mother,” Sarah added honestly.

  The girls laughed. They felt as if a huge load had been taken off their shoulders.

  56. After Sarah’s mother left home, _____.

  A. Mariam came to Sarah’s home

  B. Sarah wanted to eat some goodies

  C. Mariam and Sarah were very frightened

  D. Sarah wanted to show something to Mariam

  57. According to the passage, the vase _____.

  A. was not expensive at all

  B. was not important to Sarah’s mother

  C. was a present from Sarah’s father

  D. caused Sarah’s mother a lot of trouble

  58. The underlined word “fragments” in Paragraph 1 means “_____”.

  A. pieces B. vases C. flowers D. forms

  59. What can we learn from the passage?

  A. Sarah is cleverer and shyer than Mariam.

  B. Sarah’s mother is very strict with Sarah.

  C. The two girls’ honesty made the mother forgive them.

  D. Sarah’s mother set a good example for Sarah to own up.


  For thousands of years, the most important two buildings in any British village have been the church and the pub. Traditionally, the church and the pub are at the heart of any village or town, where the people gather together to socialize and exchange news.

  As a result, British pubs are often old and well preserved. Many of them have become historic sites. The most famous example is the pub in the city of Nottingham called “The Old Trip to Jerusalem”, which dates back to the year 1189 AD and is probably the oldest pub in England.

  However, British pubs are not just for kings and queens; they welcome people from all classes and parts of society. On a cold night, the pub’s landlord or landlady can always find a warm place for you by the fire. There is always honest and hearty food and plenty of drink available at an affordable price.

  That’s how things used to be. Things are beginning to change. It is said that the credit crunch***信貸緊縮*** is causing 39 British pubs a week to go out of business. People do not have enough spare money to spend on beer. Recently, the UK government banned smoking in all pubs, and that may also have affected the number of customers going to pubs.

  This decline is happening despite the fact that in 2005 the UK government started to allow pubs to stay open after 1l pm. Previously, with 1l pm as closing time, customers would have to drink quite quickly, meaning they sometimes got more drunk than they would if allowed to drink slowly. The British habit of drinking a lot very quickly is known as “binge drinking”, and it causes long-term health problems for people and problems with violent crime for communities.

  In order to save their businesses, pubs are trying to change with the market. British pubs now offer something for everyone. A lot of pubs used to be “Working Men's Clubs”, meaning that women could not usually enter. Today, however, women can freely enter 99% of pubs without experiencing any problems. Perhaps things are changing for the better after all.

  60. The passage mainly tells us something about ______.

  A. the past and present of British pubs B. the decline of British pubs

  C. the long history of British pubs D. the importance of British pubs

  61. Which may not be the cause of the decline of British pubs?

  A. The credit crunch. B. The present closing time.

  C. The ban of smoking. D. Having no spare money.

  62. We can infer from the passage that ______.

  A. British people used to like drinking slowly

  B. closing the pubs early will reduce social problems

  C. binge drinking means drinking less beer

  D. British government aims to discourage people from binge drinking

  63. We can see from the last paragraph that the author _______.

  A. is against the admission of too many women to the pubs

  B. holds an optimistic attitude towards the British pubs

  C. thinks that women in the pubs will cause less social problems

  D. thinks that British pubs should offer everything you need


  . Norway—Ten Chinese college students arrived at the country’s Arctic research base,the Yellow River Station,on Friday.

  On Saturday,the students are expected to witness the end of four months of darkness in the area, as the sun makes a rare appearance.

  During their four-day stay at the station,the students will meet and learn from some of China’s leading polar researchers.They were welcomed at the station yesterday by its director,He Jianfeng, who is an expert on marine micro-ecosystems.

  The students will also visit the German and Norwegian stations and meet researchers there.

  As for entertainment, the visitors will get the chance to play ice hockey at the world’s most northerly stadium.

  Among the visitors is Zheng Li,a student majoring in telecommunications at Dalian Marinetime University.

  “It is so exciting to see how the Chinese researchers work in the world’s most northerly laboratory,”she said.

  “This opportunity is precious.Most people will never get the chance to travel so far from home and visit such an amazing place.It’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing.”

  Wu Jinyou,head of the Polar Research Institute of China,and the group’s leader,said,“I hope the students have not only a field trip to the Yellow River station,but are also touched by the devotion and spirit of the Chinese researchers here.I also expect in the future,some of them will choose to devote themselves to polar research and maybe even work with us.”

  The students have been in Norway since February 28,and were given Arctic training before

  moving to the station.

  The Arctic expedition is one of the several international cooperation and exchange activities forming the China Program for International Polar Year***2007-08***.It was launched last March.

  ***China Daily,Xinhua News Agency,March 8,2008***

  64.Which of the following is true about Wu Jinyou?

  A.He is a graduate from Dalian Marinetime University.

  B.He is the leading polar researcher working at the research station.

  C.He is sure that all the ten students will make good polar researchers.

  D.He thinks highly of the devotion and spirit of the Chinese researchers.

  65.What does Zheng Li mean by saying“It’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing”?

  A.It’s exciting to see the sun rise in Arctic area.

  B.The trip to the research station is extremely exciting.

  C.Playing ice hockey in Arctic area is really a life-long memory.

  D.People are only allowed to visit the station once in their lifetime.

  66.Which word can most probably replace the underlined word “launched”?

  A.ended B.stopped C.started D.performed

  67.What could be the best title of the news report?

  A.Chinese Students Arrive at Arctic Station

  B.Chinese Students Do Research in Norway

  C.Chinese Students Play Ice Hockey at Arctic Station

  D.Chinese Students Receive Training at Arctic Station


  It is reported that conservation groups in North America have been arguing about the benefits and dangers of wolves.Some groups believe wolves should be killed.Other people believe wolves must be protected so that they will not disappear from the wilderness.

  For Killing Wolves

  In Alaska,the wolf almost disappeared a few years ago,because hunters were killing hundreds of them for sport.However, 1aws were established to protect the wolves from sportsmen and people who catch the animals for their fur.So the wolf population has greatly increased.Now there are so many wolves that they are destroying their own food supply.

  A wolf naturally eats animals in the deer family .People in the wilderness also hunt deer for food.Many of the animals have been destroyed by the very cold winters recently and by changes in the wilderness plant life.When the deer can’t find enough food,they die.

  If the wolves continue to kill large numbers of deer,their prey***獵物***will disappear some day.And the wolves will.too.So we must change the cycle of life in the wilderness to balance the ecology.If we killed more wolves,we would save them and their prey from dying out.We’d also save some farm animals.

  In another northern state,wolves attack cows and chickens for food.Farmers want the government to send biologists to study the problem.They believe it necessary to kill wolves in some areas and to protect them in places where there is a small wolf population.

  Against Killing Wolves

  If you had lived long ago,you would have heard many different stories about the dangerous wolf.According to most stories,hungry wolves often kill people for food.Even today,the stories of the“big bad wolf'"will not disappear.

  But the fact is wolves are afraid of people.and they seldom travel in areas where there is a human smell.When wolves eat other animals,they usually kill the very young, or the sick and injured.The strongest survive.No kind of animal would have survived through the centuries if the weak members had lived.That has always been a law of nature.

  Although some people say it is good sense to kill wolves,we say it is nonsense! Researchers have found wolves and their prey living in balance, the wolves keep the deer population from becoming too large, and that keeps a balance in the wilderness plant life.

  The real problem is that the areas where wolves can live are being used by people.Even if wilderness land is not used directly for human needs, the wolves can’t always find enough food.So they travel to the nearest source, which is often a farm.Then there is danger.The“big bad wolf”has arrived! And everyone knows what happens next.

  68.According to the passage,some people in North America favor killing wolves for all the following reasons EXCET that ________.

  A.there are too many wolves B.they kill large numbers deer

  C.they attack cows and chickens for food D.they destroy the wilderness plant life

  69.Some people are against killing wolves because ________.

  A.wolves help to keep the ecological balance in the wideness

  B.there is too small a wolf population in the wilderness

  C.there are too many deer in the wilderness

  D.wolves are afraid of people and never attack people

  70.According to those against killing wolves,when wolves eat other animals,________.

  A.they never eat strong and healthy ones

  B.they always go against the law of nature

  C.they might help this kind of animals survive in nature

  D.they disturb the ecological balance in the wilderness

  71.The last sentence“And everyone knows what happens next”implies that in such cases ________.

  A.farm animals will be in danger and have to be shipped away

  B.wolves will kill people and people will in turn kill them

  C.wolves will find enough food sources on farms

  D.people will leave the areas where wolves can live


  Walking down a path through some woods in Georgia, I saw a small pool of water ahead on the path.I angled my direction to go around it on the part of the path that wasn't covered by water or mud.As I reached the pool, I was suddenly attacked! Yet I did nothing for the attack.It was so unpredictable and from somewhere totally unexpected.I was surprised as well as unhurt though I had been struck four or five times.I backed up a foot and my attacker stopped attacking me.Had I been hurt I wouldn't have found it amusing.And I was laughing.After all, I was being attacked by a butterfly!

  Having stopped, laughing, I took a step forward.My attacker rushed me again.He charged towards me at full speed, attempting to hurt me but in vain.For a second time, I took a step backwards while my attacker paused.I wasn't sure what to do.After all, it's just not everyday that one is attacked by a butterfly.I stepped back to look the situation over.My attacker moved back to land on the ground.That's when I discovered why my attacker was charging me only moments earlier.He had a mate and she was dying.

  Sitting close beside her, he opened and closed his wings as if to fan her.I could only admire the love and courage of that butterfly in his concern for his mate.He had taken it up on himself to attack me for his mate's sake ***緣故***, even though she was clearly dying and I was so large.He did so just to give her those extra few precious moments of life, should I have been careless enough to step on her.His courage in attacking something thousands of times larger and heavier than himself just for his mate's safety seemed admirable.I couldn't do anything other than reward him by walking on the more difficult side of the pool.He had truly earned those moments to be with her, undisturbed.

  Since then, I've always tried to remember the courage of that butterfly whenever I see huge barriers facing me.

  72.Why did the writer change his direction while walking down a path?

  A.To get close to a butterfly. B.To look over the bad situation.

  C.To escape a sudden attack. D.To avoid getting his shoes dirty.

  73.What made the man feel funny?

  A.Making the attacker pause. B.Being attacked by a butterfly.

  C.Being stepped on by his mate. D.Discovering the energetic butterfly.

  74.From this experience the man learned .

  A.what he should do when faced with trouble

  B.people should show sympathy to the weak

  C.how he should deal with attacks

  D.people should protect butterflies

  75.Which of the following words can best describe the butterfly?

  A.Careless. B.Amusing. C.Courageous. D.Aggressive

  第四部分 寫作***共兩節,滿分35分***



  Last Sunday I went to do some reading in your library.

  Over the time I was there, I found something unpleasant. T ,76. ________

  I’d like to v my opinions, which, I hope, would be of help for 77. ________

  you to ____***創造***a more comfortable place for readers. First, there are 78. ________

  few new books on the shelf, and most books are not s in proper 79. ________

  order, making it difficult for readers to find _______ they want quickly.80. ________

  Third, the l didn’t offer good service. Instead, they were 81. ________

  chatting. In _______, they took no notice of the fact that a light 82.________

  wasn’t _______. Leave this state of affairs to stay the same, and I’m 83. ________

  ______***恐怕*** there will be fewer and fewer readers. So, I suggest your 84. ________

  _______ ***改變*** all these as soon as possible for the sake of readers. 85. _________

  第二節:書面表達:***滿分25 分***


  一、焦慮症狀: 頭暈、乏力、睡眠不好等

  二、建 議:

  1.考前制定好合適的複習計劃 2.考試期間正常作息3.睡前洗熱水澡、喝熱牛奶等有助於睡眠

  三、其他建議 ***內容由考生自己擬定***



  3. 詞數:120個左右。開頭已給出,不計詞數。


  Dear editor,

  I’m Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School. I’m writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams.


  1-5. BBACB 6-10. BBBAA 11-15. AACAB 16-20. BCBBC

  21-25 AABCD 26-30BAADA 31-35DDCDA

  36-40:BDBAA 41-45:CBDAC 46-50:ADCBC 51-55:BDACD

  56-59 DCAC 60-63:ABDB 64-67:DBCA 68—71DACB 71-75 DBAC

  76. Therefore 77. voice 78. create 79. sorted 80. what

  81. librarians 82. addition 83. on 84. afraid 85. changing


  I am Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School. I am writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams.

  Most of us feel nervous whenever we’re taking an important exam. Some will feel dizzy or tired, some will suffer from lack of sleep,all of which have terrible effects on our exams and we are all eager to get rid of them.

  First of all, in my opinion, it’s important for us to study hard every day and make careful plans for every exam. In this way we can avoid suffering from the pressure of exams.

  Besides, enough sleep can make us energetic and enable us to perform well in an exam. Therefore, during the period of exams, we should not stay up too late. We can also try a warm bath or a cup of warm milk before going to bed. They might help us to have a sound sleep.

  ***We’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercises before an exam so that we can keep ourselves relaxed and then concentrate ourselves on exams.***


  Text 1

  M: Which cap did you finally decide to buy?

  W: Well, I would have liked to buy the blue one, but it was 50 dollar So I bought another one instead and saved 10 dollars.

  Text 2

  W: Where are you going to plant the tree? By the front door?

  M: No, that would be silly. It'll grow too big. I'm going to put it at the back of the garage.

  W: I thought it would be better right at the other end of the garden.

  M: Oh, no.

  Text 3

  W: The lecture this morning was so boring.

  M: I'll say I had one eye on the clock the whole time.

  Text 4

  M: I'd like to speak to the manager, please.

  W: May I know what it is about?

  M: I'd like to see him about the position advertised in today's newspaper.

  W: Certainly. Just wait for a while; he is making a phone call.

  Text 5

  M: Hello.

  W: Hello. Can I help you?

  M: Yes, I want to know why there's no electricity.

  W: Sorry, Sir. There's been a power cut.

  M: Well, when will it come on again?

  W: It's usually off for about half an hour, so we expect it back at eight thirty.

  Text 6

  W: Red House Restaurant. May I help you?

  M: I'd like to book a table.

  W: For how many?

  M: Just two.

  W: For what time?

  M: 8:00.

  W: I'm sorry, there aren't any tables left for 8: 00, but we can give you one for 7:00 or 9:00.

  M: All right. 9:00 then.

  W: May I have your name, please?

  M: Miller.

  W: A table for two at 9:00 for Mr Miller. Thank you.

  M: Thank you.

  Text 7

  W: ABC company. Can I help you?

  M: Can you put me through to Mr Brown in the Sales Department?

  W: I'm afraid Mr Brown is at a meeting at the moment.

  M: Can I leave a message?

  W: Certainly.

  M: Can you ask Mr Brown to call me at 1300—621 — 7865?

  W: Who is calling, please?

  M: Alan Peterson.

  W: OK. Mr Peterson. Can you repeat the phone number?

  M: That's 1300-621-7865.

  W: OK. I'll ask Mr Brown to call you as soon as the meeting is over.

  M: Thanks. Bye.

  Text 8

  Art's Self introduction

  Hello! My name's Art. I'm 74 years old and I live in a retirement community with my wife Kate. I retired about twelve years ago from the bicycle business. I was in the bicycle business for thirty-five years. Twenty of the thirty five years I ran my own business. After I decided to sell my business, I became an advisor. I worked as an advisor for five years and then I retired. The retirement community I live in requires you be forty-eight years or older. In the community I engage in many activities, oil painting, watercolor painting, stain glass projects. My major activity, however, is golf. Weather permitting, I play every day. We have a golf course in the community, and since I play more often than I used to before I retired, my game has improved very much.

  Text 9

  M: Let me see now. Which train do I need to get on?

  W: Excuse me. Do you need any help?

  M: Yes. I want to go to Tokyo Tower, but I'm really lost. This is my first visit to Japan, so I have no idea on how to ride the trains.

  W: First, you need to buy a ticket to your destination. From there, it's a hundred and thirty yen.

  M: A hundred and thirty yen Okay.

  W: Then, get on the Hibita Subway Line at platform 4.

  M: Number 4, all right. Oh, and how often do the trains come round this time of day?

  W: Usually, they come about every six minutes.

  M: All right. And where do I get off the train?

  W: Get off at Kamiyacho Station, three stops from here. The sign at the station is written in English, so you'll be able to read it.

  M: Three stops. Got it. Thanks for your help.

  W: No problem. Good luck.

  Text 10

  Okay, okay, let's begin. Hello, everyone. My name's Karl Roberts, and I'll be your teacher for this class, Intercultural Communication.

  Uh, to begin with, please take a look at the introduction in front of you. As you all should know by now, this class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4: 50pm. We will be meeting in this room for the first half of the course, but we will be using the research lab every other week on Thursdays in room 405 during the last two months of the class.

  Uh, this is the text for the class, Beyond Language. Unfortunately, the books haven't come in yet, but I was told that you should be able to purchase them at the bookstore the day after tomorrow. Again, as you see on your course outline, grade is determined by your performance on a midterm and final test, weekly quizes, uh, a research project, and classroom participation.. My office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 pm on Wednesdays, and you can set up an ap?pointment to meet with me at other times as well.
