
General 更新 2024年06月07日



  1. have an accident 出事故

  2. nothing serious 不嚴重

  3. take care /be careful/look out 小心

  4. at/on the edge of 在…的邊緣

  5. warn sb*** not*** to do sth警告…不要做

  6. be mad at/be angry with 對…生氣

  7. pretend to do sth 假裝做…

  8. in the1670s 在17世紀60年代

  9. fall on top of 掉到… 的上面

  10. be careful with小心對待…

  11. stop sb from doing sth

  12. prevent sb from doing sth

  13. keep sb from doing sth 阻止…做…

  14. in a hurry 匆忙地

  15. compete with/against和…競爭

  16. at the same time 同時

  17. .the others 其他的***人或物***

  18. be related to和…有關

  19. again and again 再三地,反覆地

  20. depend on依靠

  21. from now on從現在起

  22. get sick of對…感到厭惡

  23. make room for 給…騰地方

  24. shop for 購買…

  25. work for為…工作

  26. give sb some advice給…提建議

  27. be worth doing值得做…


  1. four times as…as 是…的四倍

  2. find out 找出,發現

  3. all over the world/around the world 全世界

  4. feel tired 感到累

  5. without stopping 不停地

  6. stand on one foot 單腳站立

  7. compare with 和…做對比,比較

  8. think of 想起,想到

  9. write down 寫下,記下

  10. make a list of 列…的清單

  11. agree with 同意…

  12. be far from 遠離…

  13. help sb ***to***do sth 幫助…做…

  14. help sb with sth

  15. be proud of 為…而驕傲,自豪

  16. have fun 玩的高興,過的愉快

  17. have a good time

  18. enjoy oneself

  19. any other 其他的

  20. be surprised at 對…驚奇

  21. win a gold medal 贏得一塊金牌

  22. up and down 上上下下

  23. set a world record 創造一項世界紀錄

  24. do one’s best 盡…最大的能力

  25. give up 放棄

  26. believe in 信任

  27. be able to …能做

  28. keep/catch up with 跟上,趕上

  29. at age 13 在13歲時

  30. compete in 參加…競賽

  31. compete with/against和…競爭

  32. be amazed at 對…吃驚

  33. get ready for 做好準備

  34. be good at 擅長於

  35. do well in

  36. at the same time 同時

  37. the others 其他的***人或物***

  38. take part in 參加

  39. at the Olympics 在 奧林匹克運動會上

  40. not…any more 不再

  41. keep doing sth 持續做…

  42. practice doing sth 練習做…

  43. good luck to you 祝你好運

  44. have an accident 出事故

  45. nothing serious 不嚴重

  46. at/on the edge of 在…的邊緣

  47. warn sb*** not*** to do sth 警告…不要做

  48. in the1670s 在17世紀60年代

  49. fall on top of 掉到… 的上面

  50. be careful with小心對


  1. make a noise製造噪音

  2. enough to do…足夠做…

  3. instead of 代替

  4. put out撲滅

  5. refuse to do sth 拒絕做…

  6. leave sb alone/leave sb by oneself 把…單獨留下

  7. be late for去…遲到

  8. be famous for/be well- known for因…而出名

  9. take ..to 帶…去…

  10. be scared of 害怕…

  11. the poor窮人

  12. the North Pole 北極

  13. get out of從…出來

  14. a new safety rule 一條新的安全規則

  15. take care of /look after 照顧

  16. get to/arrive in***at***/reach 到達

  17. fall off 從…摔下來

  18. hurt oneself 傷到自己

  19. don’t have to 不必

  20. so that 以便於

  21. come up with 想出…的辦法

  22. It is said that 據說

  23. set an example 樹立榜樣

  24. make an example 舉一個例子

  25. at the age of 在…歲

  26. in a difficult situation 在困難的情況下

  27. give first aid 急救

  28. day after day 一天又一天

  29. be busy doing sth/be busy with sth 忙於做…

  30. operate on sb 給…動手術

  31. devote to/devote oneself to 致力於,獻身於

  32. be honoured with 被授予

  33. in one’s spare time在…業餘時間

  34. not…until 直到… 才

  35. since then 從那時起

  36. between… and…在… 和 … 之間

  37. die of 死於

  38. because of 因為,由於

  39. graduate from 畢業於

  40. be different from 不同於

  41. be buried in 被埋葬在

  42. wake up 喚醒, 醒來

  43. get dressed 穿好衣服

  44. catch/have a fever 發燒

  45. catch/have a cold 患感冒

  46. have/catch a headache 頭痛

  47. look up a word in the dictionary 查詢單詞

  48. in poor spirit

  49. miss school

  50. be bad for 對…有害處


  1. instead of 代替

  2. put out撲滅

  3. leave sb alone/leave sb by oneself 把…單獨留下

  4. be late for去…遲到

  5. a new safety rule 一條新的安全規則

  6. take care of /look after 照顧

  7. don’t have to 不必

  8. so that 以便於

  9. It is said that 據說

  10. set an example 樹立榜樣

  11. make an example 舉一個例子

  12. in a difficult situation 在困難的情況下

  13. give first aid 急救

  14. day after day 一天又一天

  15. be honoured with 被授予

  16. in one’s spare time在…業餘時間

  17. not…until 直到… 才

  18. die of 死於

  19. because of 因為,由於

  20. be buried in 被埋葬在

  21. wake up 喚醒

  22. in poor spirit

  23. miss school 不到校

  24. hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

  25. out of breath 上氣不接下氣

  26. be made up of 由… 組成

  27. live a happy life 過幸福的生活

  28. marry sb to sb 把… 嫁給

  29. be married with 和… 結婚

  30. fall into the habbit of 養成… 的習慣

  31. fall behind落後

  32. give up smoking/stop smoking戒菸

  33. take one’s temperature 測量體溫

  34. business hours 營業時間

  35. in order to 為了

  36. .the final examination 期末考試

  37. .by chaque 用支票

  38. .on the Internet 在因特網上

  39. as soon as 一…就…

  40. make money 掙錢,賺錢

  41. take turns ***to do /doing*** 輪流 做…

  42. be located in/on 坐落於,位於

  43. feel tired 感到累

  44. without stopping 不停地

  45. stand on one foot 單腳站立

  46. be far from 遠離…

  47. help sb ***to***do sth 幫助…做

  48. any other 其他的

  49. .believe in 信任

  50. compete in 參加…競賽


  1. be good for 對… 有好處

  2. fall ill/sick 生病

  3. get ill/sick生病

  4. be unable to 不能做

  5. hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

  6. out of breath 上氣不接下氣

  7. what’s wrong with you你怎麼了

  8. what’s the matter with you

  9. what’s the trouble with you?

  10. be made up of 由… 組成

  11. plenty of 許多,大量

  12. for example 例如

  13. live a happy life 過幸福的生活

  14. marry sb to sb 把… 嫁給

  15. be married with 和… 結婚

  16. fall asleep/get to sleep/go to sleep 入睡

  17. fall into the habbit of 養成… 的習慣

  18. fall behind落後

  19. give up smoking/stop smoking 戒菸

  20. take medicine 吃藥

  21. brush one’s teeth 刷牙

  22. have a good rest 好好休息

  23. take one’s temperature 測量體溫

  24. prefer ***doing*** to ***doing*** 喜歡做… 勝於做…

  25. stay/keep healthy 保持健康

  26. business English 商業英語

  27. business hours 營業時間

  28. return to

  29. deal with/do with 處置,處理

  30. put up 支起,搭建

  31. be full of/be filled with 充滿,裝滿

  32. learn by oneself/teach oneself 自學

  33. know/learn by heart 背誦

  34. pay for 付款

  35. in order to 為了

  36. the final examination 期末考試

  37. by chaque 用支票

  38. succeed in doing sth 成功地做…

  39. be successful in

  40. succeed to do sth

  41. have success in sth 在…方面取得成功

  42. on the Internet 在因特網上

  43. as soon as 一…就…

  44. make money 掙錢,賺錢

  45. take turns 輪流

  46. break a world record 打破一項世界紀錄

  47. hold /keep a world record 保持一項世界紀錄

  48. be located in/on 坐落於,位於

  49. on average 平均而言

  50. on record 有紀錄的


