
General 更新 2024年06月08日



  In recent years, more and more foreigners are involved in the teaching programs of the United States. Both the advantages and the disadvantages67 using foreign faculty***教師總稱***68 teaching positions have to be69 , of course. It can be said that the foreign70 that makes the faculty member from abroad an asset also71 problems of adjustment, both for the university and for the individual. The foreign research scholar usually isolates72 in the laboratory as a means of protection;73 , what he needs is to be fitted 74 a highly organized university system quite different from75 at home. He is faced in his daily work76 differences in philosophy, arrangements of courses and methods of teaching. Both the visiting professor and his students77 a common ground in each other’s cultures, some78 of what is already in the minds of American students is79 for the foreign professor.While helping him to80 himself to his new environment, the university must also81 certain adjustments in order to82 full advantage of what the newcomer can83 . It isn’t always known how to make84 use of foreign faculty, especially at smaller colleges. This is thought to be a85 where further study is called86 . The findings of such a study will be of value to colleges and universities with foreign faculty.


  67. A*** with B*** for C*** of D*** at

  68. A*** in B*** on C*** for D*** within

  69. A*** thought B*** measured C*** balanced D*** considered

  70. A*** situation B*** circumstances C*** background D*** condition

  71. A*** carries B*** create C*** emerges D*** solves

  72. A*** himself B*** oneself C*** him D*** one

  73. A*** otherwiseB*** moreover C*** however D*** whatever

  74. A*** into B*** by C*** to D*** with

  75. A*** those B*** which C*** what D*** that

  76. A*** toward B*** with C*** to D*** at

  77. A*** have B*** possess C*** need D*** lack

  78. A*** concept B*** feeling C*** plan D*** intelligence

  79. A*** ordered B*** asked C*** put D*** required

  80. A*** place B*** adapt C*** put D*** direct

  81. A*** remain B*** keep C*** make D*** cause

  82. A*** take B*** make C*** do D*** be

  83. A*** show B*** afford C*** express D*** offer

  84. A*** powerful B*** creative C*** imaginary D*** advanced

  85. A*** scope B*** range C*** field D*** district

  86. A*** on B*** for C*** upon D*** at


  67. C本題考查搭配關係。本句句意為:當然,在教學崗位上應考慮聘用外籍教師的利與弊。根據句意,應選介詞of。

  68. A本題考查介詞用法。根據上題譯文,介詞in符合題意及英語習慣表達,故正確。其他選項均不符合英語習慣表達。

  69. D本題考查動詞辨析。thought 意為 “認為”,measured 意為“測量”,balanced意為“平衡”,considered 意為“考慮”。D符合題意,故正確。

  70. C本題考查名詞辨析。situation 意為“形勢,情況”;circumstance 意為“情況”;background 意為“背景”;condition 意為“條件”。本句句意為:對於大學和個人,被當作寶的外籍背景也對個人及學習產生了適應方面的問題。據此,只有C選項符合題意,故正確。

  71. B本題考查動詞辨析。emerge意為“出現”,是不及物動詞,可排除;carries意為“攜帶”;creates意為“創造、產生”;solves意為“解決”;B符合題意,故正確。

  72. A本題考查代詞用法。本句句意為:“外來從事研究的學者通常呆在實驗室以保護自己。”isolate oneself somewhere 為習慣用法,意為:把某人隔離在某地。此外空格應指主語 the foreign research scholar, 所以應用 himself 指代;由此確定A為正確答案。

  73. C本題考查上下文邏輯關係。根據上下文,逗號後所述內容與前文內容正好相反,所以此處應選表示轉折意義的詞,顯然C正確。選項B和D都表示遞進,而A選項意為“否則”,不符合上下文邏輯關係。

  74. C本題考查搭配關係。根據fit 動詞不與by 連用,可排除選項B;而fit 與into或with連用為“適合,符合”之義,兩選項均與句意不合。本句句意為:但他所需要的是適應組織嚴密的大學體制。據此,只有C符合題意,故正確。be fitted to意為“使適應”。

  75. D本題考查代詞用法。本句空格本為 the system,為避免重複,一般用that 來替代,所以D正確。

  76. B本題考查搭配關係。 be faced with 為固定搭配,意為“面對,面臨”,所以B正確。其餘選項均搭配錯誤。

  77. D本題考查動詞辨析。上句句意為:外籍教師面臨人生觀、課程安排及教學方法等方面的差異。因而本句應在意義上與上下文保持一致,lack 意為“缺乏”,符合題意要求,故為正確答案。而have ***有***、possess***擁有***和need***需要***均不合題意。

  78. A本題考查名詞辨析。concept意為“概念、觀念”,feeling意為“情感、感覺”,plan意為“計劃”,intelligence意為“智力、腦力”。本句句意為:外籍教授要求有本已在美國學生頭腦中就有的觀念。顯然A選項吻合句意,故正確。

  79. D本題考查動詞辨析。ordered 為“命令、定購”之義;asked 為“詢問,請求”之義;insisted 為“堅持”之義。根據句意,顯然選項D正確。

  80. B本題考查搭配關係。adapt oneself to 意為“使適應於”,其餘選項均無此搭配關係,所以B正確。

  81. C本題考查搭配關係。adjustments 為空格所填動詞的賓語,其搭配動詞應用make, 所以C正確。

  82. A本題考查習慣用法。take advantage of 為固定用法,其意為“利用”,吻合題意,故正確。

  83. D本題考查動詞辨析。show意為“顯現、表明”;afford意為“擔負得起***費用、損失等***”;express意為“表達、表示”;offer意為“提供,給予”。本句句義為:大學也必須作一些調整,以充分利用外籍教師。選項D與題意吻合,故正確。

  84. B本題考查形容詞辨析。powerful 意為“強有力的”,creative 意為“有創造力的”,imaginary 意為“虛構的、幻想的”,advanced意為“先進的、高階的”。本句句意為:人們還不知道如何創造性地利用外籍教師。很顯然選擇B符合題意,故正確。

  85. C本題考查名詞辨析。scope意為“範圍”,range意為“變動範圍、視覺範圍”,field意為“領域”,district意為“行政區域”。根據句意,此處應為其研究領域之義,因而選項C正確。

  86. B本題考查短語動詞辨析。called on 與called upon 意義等同,A、C均可排除;called at意為“在某處拜訪某人”,與題意不合,也可排除;只有called for ***需要***符合題意,故正確。
