
General 更新 2024年06月02日



  I was required to read one of Bernie Siegel's books in college and was hooked on his positivity from that moment on.The stories of his unconventional__1__and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so__2__to me and had such a big__3__on how I saw life from then on.Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDs again to__4__my own cancer experience?

  I'm an ambitious__5__,and when I started going through chemo***化療***,even though I'm a very __6__person,I lost my drive to write.I was just too tired and not in the __7__.One day,while waiting to go in for__8__,I had one of Dr.Bernie's books in my hand.Another patient__9__what I was reading and struck up a conversation with me__10__he had one of his books with him as well.It __11__that among other things,he was an eighty­year­old writer.He was__12__a published author,and he was currently__13__on a new book.

  We would see each other at various times and __14__friends.Sometimes he wore a duck hat,and I would tell myself,he was definitely a***n***__15__of Dr.Bernie.He really put a__16__on my face.He unfortunately__17__last year due to his cancer,__18__he left a deep impression on me and gave me the __19__to pick up my pen again.I__20__to myself,“If he can do it,then so can I.”


  1.A.tastes B.ideas

  C.notes D.memories

  答案:B taste意為“味道;品味”;idea意為“觀念,想法,思想”;note意為“註釋,說明”;memory意為“記憶”。根據第一段第一句中的was hooked on his positivity可知“我”被他的積極思想所吸引,故選B項。

  2.A.amazing B.shocking

  C.amusing D.strange

  答案:A amazing意為“令人驚訝的”;shocking意為“令人震驚的,駭人聽聞的”;amusing意為“有趣的,使人發笑的”;strange意為“奇怪的”。根據第一段第一句可知作者在大學時代就對伯尼·西格爾的書著迷了,再結合空前的程度副詞so和空後的such可推斷此處表示令“我”驚訝,故選A項。

  3.A.strike B.push

  C.challenge D.impact

  答案:D 根據語境可知此處表示“從此對我如何看待生活產生了巨大的影響”,have a big impact on...意為“對……產生很大的影響”,故選D項。

  4.A.learn from B.go over

  C.get through D.refer to

  答案:C 背景常識題。learn from意為“向……學習”;go over意為“複習;重新檢查”;get through意為“接通電話;度過,熬過***困難時期等***”;refer to意為“參考”。根據第二段第三句末...I had one of Dr.Bernie's books in my hand.可知此處表示這麼多年後,“我”會重新讀他的書和CD來幫助“我”度過癌症的困難時期,故選C項。

  5.A.reader B.writer

  C.editor D.doctor

  答案:B 根據此句...I lost my drive to write.中的write可知此處表示“我”是一位作家,故選B項。

  6.A.positive B.agreeable

  C.humorous D.honest

  答案:A positive意為“積極的,樂觀的”;agreeable意為“欣然同意的;令人愉快的;一致的,符合的”;humorous意為“幽默的”;honest意為“誠實的”。根據此空前even though引導讓步狀語從句可知。此處表示“儘管我是一個非常樂觀的人,我仍然失去了寫作的動力”,故選A項。

  7.A.mood B.position

  C.state D.way

  答案:A 根據空前的資訊提示...just too tired...可推斷此處表示“我”沒有“興致”,in the mood意為“興致勃勃”,是固定短語,故選A項。

  8.A.advice B.reference

  C.protection D.treatment

  答案:D advice意為“建議”;reference意為“參考;涉及”;protection意為“保護,防衛”;treatment意為“治療;對待”。根據此段第一句中的資訊提示...and when I started going through chemo可推斷此處選D項。

  9.A.viewed B.knew

  C.noticed D.wondered

  答案:C 句意為:另一個病人注意到了我讀的書,和我聊了起來,因為他也有一本伯尼·西格爾的書。view意為“看待;考慮”;know意為“知道”;notice意為“注意到,留心”;wonder意為“想知道”。根據此空後的what I was reading...可推斷他“注意到”“我”讀的書,故選C項。

  10.A.while B.because

  C.although D.providing

  答案:B 根據此空前的struck up a conversation with me和本句末的aswell可推斷此處是因果關係,故用because引導原因狀語從句,故選B項。

  11.A.came out B.worked out

  C.proved out D.turned out

  答案:D 句意為:原來除了別的之外,他還是一位80歲的作家。comeout意為“出版,發行;***事實***暴露,顯露”;work out意為“計算出;鍛鍊”;prove意為“證明是,結果是”,無prove out結構;turn out意為“原來是,最後是,結果是”。根據語境可知D項正確。

  12.A.naturally B.merely

  C.hopefully D.actually

  答案:D 句意為:事實上,他是一位已經發表過作品的作家,而且目前他正著手寫一本新書。naturally意為“自然地”;merely意為“僅僅,只不過”;hopefully意為“有希望地,有前途地”;actually意為“實際上,事實上”。根據此空後的a published author和on a new book可推斷選D項。

  13.A.deciding B.investing

  C.working D.relying

  答案:C decide on意為“決定,選定”;invest意為“投資”,無invest on結構;work on意為“從事於”;rely on意為“依靠,依賴”。根據語境和搭配可知此處表示他目前正著手寫一本新書,故選C項。

  14.A.became B.helped

  C.missed D.visited

  答案:A 背景常識題。句意為:我們常常在不同的時間相見,併成為了朋友。根據前半句We would see each other at various times...可推斷兩人慢慢成了朋友,故此處選A項。

  15.A.patient B.operator

  C.fan D.publisher

  答案:C 背景常識題。patient意為“病人”;operator意為“操作員”;fan意為“迷,愛好者”;publisher意為“出版者,出版商”。上文中提到這位老人因為看到“我”拿著伯尼·西格爾的書而開始與“我”交談,並且老人自己也有伯尼·西格爾的書,由此可知老人很喜歡伯尼·西格爾,故選C項。

  16.A.sign B.smile

  C.mark D.mask

  答案:B 根據上文可知他80歲仍然在創作,也喜歡伯尼·西格爾的作品,肯定對生活也是樂觀積極的,故此處可推斷他給“我”帶來了很多的“笑容”。故選B項。

  17.A.showed up B.set off

  C.fell down D.passed away

  答案:D show up意為“***使***變得明顯;***使***顯現出來”;set off意為“動身;引爆***炸彈***;觸發,激起”;fall down意為“有不足;失敗”;pass away意為“去世,逝世”。根據此空前的unfortunately和空後的due to his cancer可知他不幸“去世了”。故選D項。

  18.A.since B.but

  C.so D.for

  答案:B 根據空後的he left a deep impression on me and gave me the...可知前後兩個分句間是轉折關係,即雖然他因為癌症不幸去世了,但是卻給“我”留下了很深的印象,故選B項。

  19.A.guidance B.trust

  C.opportunity D.inspiration

  答案:D guidance意為“指引,引導”;trust意為“信任,信賴”;opportunity意為“機會”;inspiration意為“鼓舞;靈感”。根據此空後的pick up my pen again可推斷此處表示“他激勵我重新拿起筆寫作”,故選D項。

  20.A.promised B.swore

  C.thought D.replied

  答案:C 根據此空後的“If he can do it, then so can I.”可推斷此處表示我內心的想法,think to oneself意為“盤算,心裡想”,為固定結構,符合語境。故選C項。
