
General 更新 2024年06月06日



  Ⅰ. 單項選擇

  *** *** 1. — Your cat looks very    .

  — Thanks. She is also quite clever.

  A. lovely B. suddenly C. badly D. carefully

  *** *** 2. — Your cousin sings so     .

  — Of course. We all think she is a      singer.

  A. good; good B. well; good C. well; well D. good; well

  *** *** 3. — A dog is a     animal, right?

  — Yes. My dog runs very     .

  A. quick; quickly B. quick; quick C. quickly; quick D. quickly; quickly

  *** *** 4. — I need a new watch, Mum.

  — Why? I don’t think there is     wrong with your old one.

  A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

  *** *** 5. — Is there      in the classroom?

  — No. There is   in it.

  A. anybody; nobody B. somebody; nobody

  C. anybody; anybody D. somebody; anybody

  *** *** 6. — The Brain ***《最強大腦》*** is really a wonderful show.      loves it.

  — Yes. It shows people’s amazing abilities.

  A. Someone B. Anyone C. No one D. Everyone

  Ⅱ. 閱讀下面的對話,從方框裡選擇合適的複合不定代詞填空。

  anywhere, somebody, everybody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, everything, nothing

  Nancy: Hey, Ann! How are you?

  Ann: Fine. ***1***     is going well.

  Nancy: That’s good. Did you go ***2***     yesterday?

  Ann: Yes, I went to watch the film Frozen ***《冰雪奇緣》***.

  Nancy: Who did you go to the cinema with?

  Ann: I didn’t go there with ***3***     else. You know, ***4***     in my family was free yesterday. ***5***    was busy.

  Nancy: So did you enjoy the film?

  Ann: Yes. I enjoyed ***6***     in the film, the music, the colours and the story. You must go to see it this afternoon.

  Nancy: I am afraid I can’t.

  Ann: Why not? Do you have ***7***     important to do?

  Nancy: ***8***    is coming to visit us. I want to cook him ***9***     nice to eat.

  Ann: Millie can help you, right?

  Nancy: No, she can’t. She can do ***10***     but boil ***煮*** eggs.

  Ⅲ. 完成句子。

  A. 根據要求改寫下列句子。

  1. I found nothing special in the house. ***改為同義句***

  I                special in the house.

  2. We met someone on our way here. ***改為一般疑問句***

  you           on your way here?

  3. Somebody cleaned the room yesterday. ***改為否定含義的句子***

  the room yesterday.

  4. pretty, the, beautiful, singing, is, a, song, girl. ***連詞成句***

  B. 根據所給的漢語意思完成句子。

  5. 我認為飯後吃水果沒什麼不對。

  I don’t think there is                eating fruit after meals.

  6. 不是每個人都對養寵物感興趣。

  interested in          .

  7. 有些鳥聰明到可以重複一些單詞。

  Some birds are           to              .

  8. 我的小狗總是看起來很開心。

  My dog looks happy


  Ⅰ. 1-6 ABABAD

  Ⅱ. 1. Everything 2. anywhere 3. anybody 4. nobody 5. Everybody 6. everything 7. anything

  8. Somebody 9. something 10. nothing

  Ⅲ. 1. didn’t find anything 2. Did; meet anyone 3. Nobody cleaned

  4. The pretty girl is singing a beautiful song. 5. anything wrong with

  6. Not everyone/everybody is; keeping pets

  7. clever enough; repeat some words 8. all the time
