
General 更新 2024年06月06日




  Some people believe ***argue, recognize, think*** that 觀點1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 觀點2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea.

  There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 論據1.

  More importantly, 論據2.

  Most important of all, 論據3.

  In summary, 總結觀點. As a college student, I am supposed to 表決心.

  或 From above, we can predict that 預測.


  People hold different views about X. Some people are of the opinion that 觀點1, while others point out that 觀點2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight.

  For one thing, 論據1.

  For another, 論據2.

  Last but not the least, 論據3.

  To conclude, 總結觀點. As a college student, I am supposed to 表決心.

  或 From above, we can predict that 預測.


  There is no consensus of opinions among people about X***爭論的焦點***。Some people are of the view that 觀點1,while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 觀點2。As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious.

  First of all, 論據1。

  Furthermore, 論據2。

  Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is, 論據3。

  A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that總結觀點。

  As a college student, I am supposed to 表決心.

  或 From above, we can predict that 預測


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Aid?Education in China. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given in Chinese below:

  1. 每年,高校許多大學生受到鼓舞去貧困地區支教。

  2. 支教活動的意義。

  3. 我的看法。


  Aid--Education in China


  WritingAid?Education in China

  Each year, college students, encouraged to aid students in the poverty—stricken areas, volunteer themselves in poor villages for a year and try to improve education in poor areas.

  Aid—education has been beneficial in two aspects. On the one hand, college volunteers are really devoted to the cause. They have opened the eyes of students in underdeveloped regions to the outside world by bringing them new knowledge and thoughts. As a result, they are extremely well—received by the children there. On the other hand, college students have received a rigorous training by adapting to the harsh living conditions. They are enjoying the appreciation and no—distance friendship from the children. What’s more, they are greatly inspired by the moving and tireless spirit of the children.

  In my opinion, China’s educational development can’t be isolated from each individual and we college students should take the lead in response to the appeal for offering aid to children in poor areas.


  一: Dialogues /monologues:

  1,You can tell they lived during the Depression.

  這個句子中"tell"是斷定的意思, 常常把它的意思與***告知,告訴***聯絡在一起, 腦子便轉不過彎來.

  翻譯為: 你可以斷定他們生活在那時的大蕭條期.

  2,He reallv knows how to bring a person out.

  "bring a person out."是”鼓勵一個人的”的意思.

  翻譯為: 他非常善於鼓勵別人/使別人振作起來.

  例: to bring sb...out

  意思為: to make someone feel more comfident, happy, and friendly /使某人更加自信,開朗

  3,he looks like his fun to be with.

  翻譯為: 他看起來是個很有意思的人.或, 和他在一起應該會很有意思.

  4,since we're going to recruit some staff so that we can get our new school going in time.

  這裡的since, 和so that 是基於...原因的意思.根據意思我將其譯成: 屆時...將...以便...

  翻譯為: 屆時我們將聘請一些工作人員以便使我們的新學校及時開學.

  5,Would you address character description for the commercial and industrial arts staff?

  翻譯為: 你能夠給商業與工藝美術的職員講講特徵描述嗎?

  arts跟前面的commercial and indutrial連在一起看, 而非與後面的staff: ***the commercial and industrial arts*** staff.

  6,There are a number of other positions to consider.

  "A number of" 換成 "a lot of" 或者是”a great many”行不行, 為什麼?

  可以換成a lot of或a great many of,因為position是可數名詞.如果這裡是不可數名詞, 則只能用a number of代替而不能用a great many.修飾可數/不可數都行: a number of/a lot of,只能修飾可數: a great many of***與many性質一樣***

  7,Would you mind letting me take a look in your briefcase?

  將"letting me"換成 "let me" 行不行, 為什麼?

  不行, mind是動詞, 後面不能直接跟動詞原形, 一般接名詞***或動名詞***,這裡的letting是let的動名詞形式.

  8,I’m afraid I certainly do mind, if it’s all the same to you.

  “Do mind”與” all the same”什麼意思?

  do mind: 在英語中強調動詞, 用助動詞do***各種時態***+動詞原形.

  all the same: 完全一樣, 用於強調.

  如: Although you didn't complete it in time, I appreciate you all the same.

  儘管你沒有及時完成, 我還是一樣很感激你.

  9,One day the life free from the harsh decrees of state-sponsored racial repression. ***種族壓迫***

  在這句話中, state-sponsored 翻譯成什麼意思最好?

  state-sponsored: 國家發起的.用於修飾racial repression***種族壓迫***,是複合形容詞, 複合形容詞的相結合.

  10,The state in which she was born had laws in place waiting to characterize her as unwelcome.

  翻譯為: 在她出生的洲有專門針對象她那一類人並將他們列為不受歡迎人士的法律.

  11,Present was the usual mix that had so often accumulated into a burden too heavy for a single-parent household like the one Oprah Winfrey grew up in.

  翻譯為: 目前, 這種平常的稅收會不斷地壓迫在家庭的身上,就象Winfrey 這樣的例子.

  12,One day the life free from the harsh decrees of state-sponsored racial repression.

  整句話的意思是: 有一天, 生活可以從洲政府慫恿的殘酷種族壓迫中解放.
